Sherman Oaks Part 2

August 15, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

Thursday is Pick-Up Day

Come pick up your purchases

and buy what you wanted to get at the sale

We will be closing down tomorrow

Thursday August 22 from 10:00 to 3:00

Paintings $15.00 each. Framed and Unframed

7 pc 60’s/70’s Oak Bedroom Set $250.00

19c Sideboard Buffet $375.00 OBO

Display Cabinets

Roll Top Desk $50.00

60’s Low Console Table, Side Table & China Cabinet $200.00

Antique 36″ x 42″ Display Cabinet $75.00

Lamps $25.00 Each (Except Lead & Glass Style)


Saturday August 17th 9am to 4 pm

Sunday August 18th 12 to 4pm

Monday August 19th 10am to 4pm

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Please no parking in garage/unit areas….only pick up there. Thank you.

Just east of Sepulveda and Magnolia.


Well, you thought that we were finished at the last sale…we weren’t. Only a few knew that in front of the garage where the car parks, the “Alice in Wonderland” size door contains a lot more things that we had no room for! We have worked this week to bring it all out and display for more gorgeous paintings and miscellaneous items to possess or re-sell. The prices are geared for anyone with a business or dealers with a store. The volume cannot be ignored; we must sell it all. For those of you who would like to buy ALL that is left, please hand us your name and phone number. We will make a deal for it all Monday afternoon.

So, for three more days Saturday, Sunday, and Monday we are finishing this vast collection of hundreds of original oil paintings, thousands of Asian silk pictures ($1 each and hand painted) & prints, good jewelry making parts (black pearls, real & freshwater pearls, amber, crystal, jade, bone, etc.) & high end jewelry not yet put on display or seen yet (14 Kt. gold, sterling & the afore-mentioned stones & gems), display cases not yet seen, jewelry making table, over 150 bags of jewelry beads and misc. parts like clasps, settings, wires, pendants, pins, bracelets, joiners & decorative pieces.

The pictures below will help you see what is left and what is new. The paintings have swelled in volume.

There is exercising equipment for dogs and man. Kitchen items, Bric-a-Brac, another 19th century side board buffet, men’s clothes $2 each piece and jackets $25 each. Men’s designer ties $1 each. The two large 8 panel wood/painted screens are still there and reduced from $1,000 each to $350 each. The French armoire is there and reduced to $450 from $1000. The ivory sofa is waiting for new sitters and many lamps with shades light up the house. The tall banana tree is still there ready to decorate your home, office or business. Glass blocks. Bricks. Plastic shelves & metal shelves. Mirrors. Ornately framed oil paintings. Bedding sets. Ornate Door curtain. Kenmore Washer and gas dryer.

There are hundreds of hand painted plates ($1 each), scarves ($1 each), and silk pillows ($7.50 each) designed by James McCammon. His art work and paintings are $5 to $10 to $20 to $40 to $75 to $100 each for the better ones. This is my first only blow out sale. This seems to be an exception after 18 ½ years. The owner is anxious to empty the house except for the bare necessities to live until he goes to see his family in Hong Kong.

Sherman Oaks Estate 2013

July 31, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

Friday August 9th & Saturday August 10th 9am-4pm

Sunday August 11th 11am-4pm

Monday August 12th 9am-4pm

Sherman Oaks, CA 91403




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Just east of Sepulveda and Magnolia.


I guess there must be over 1000 pieces of original lg. & small oils on canvas and acrylic paintings from the forties to the nineties. Included are still lifes, portraits, landscapes, and abstracts. We have 3 Marilyn Erickson oil paintings, listed artist, that we found. Her paintings are another exception to the $200 limit.

Add to that, literally multiple 1000’s of vintage Asian silk paintings by many artists, many matted and wrapped, in subject matter of animals, temples, people, florals, & landscapes.

Except for three paintings and two antique prints, they will range from $2, 5, $10, etc. to $200 ea. Gorgeous art and the sheer volume is mind boggling and it all must be sold. This artist is James McCammon. He began painting in the 1940’s. There is also a wide variety of his hand-painted scarves, pillows & plates. These men were importers and exporters of Chinese Hong Kong items in the 60’s, 70’s & 80’s. One was born in Macao in 1929.

Vintage importers of things you can’t get anymore. When the sale is over, we want to find a buyer for leftover possessions. Start your own business! Included, a pr. vintage orange velvet plush love seats, 4′ Kwan Yin multi-color statue, 10′ banana tree in fish pot, wrought iron coffee & side tables, 2 ant. European side board buffets (Cathedral style & Burlwood w/ormolu), 3 lg. 3 ½’x4 ½’ oils-‘Madonna & Jesus’, ‘Mountain Scene’, & ‘Italian Maid and Cherubs’, jewelry, 5 tall rosewood stands.

Dozens of lg. Asian statues & figurines in bronze, concrete, bone, porcelain, stone, jade, wood, & metal, 2 matching 8 panel screens carved 9′ x 12′, over 20 Tiffany style table & 6 standing lamps, 60’s side table/cabinet, 1940s/50s 5′ ornate spelter ‘crystals in shade’ lamp, 24″ amber Bavarian cut crystal vase, Chinese bowls.

Aubusson area rug 8’x10′ (as is), 9 embroidered pictures, ant. 3-legged Korean bowl w/carved lid & base, pair of vitrines, 4′ temple jar & vase, pair of 30″ bronze cranes, fish bowls & stands, vintage clock, easels, repro bronze flapper statues, pair Italian brassed bronze 5-candle candleholders & ormolu vase.

Small Chinese tables, dinner set for 10, Chinese area rugs, 60’s dining table & 8 chairs & 3 leaves, art glass, crystal, glassware, silver plate, porcelain, Art Deco demi-lune vitrine, patio table & 4 chairs, computer, monitor, desk/hutch, bric-a-brac, 60’s-70’s bedroom suite.

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Dozens of lg. Asian statues & figurines in bronze, concrete, bone, porcelain, stone, jade, wood, & metal, 2 matching 8 panel screens carved 9′ x 12′, over 20 Tiffany style table & 6 standing lamps, 60’s side table/cabinet, 1940s/50s 5′ ornate spelter ‘crystals in shade’ lamp, 24″ amber Bavarian cut crystal vase, Chinese bowls.

Aubusson area rug 8’x10′, 9 embroidered pictures, ant. 3-legged bowl w/carved lid & base, pair of vitrines, 4′ temple jar & vase, pair of 30″ bronze cranes, fish bowls & stands, vintage clocks, easels, repro bronze flapper statues, pair Italian brassed bronze 5-candle candleholders & ormolu vase.

Small Chinese tables, Chinese blue & white porcelain dinner set for 10, Chinese area rugs-as is,  art glass bowls, crystal, glassware, silver plate, porcelain, Art Deco demi-lune vitrine, patio table & 4 chairs, computer, monitor, desk/hutch, bric-a-brac, 60’s-70’s bedroom suite-king headboard, long dresser, 2 mirrors, 2 night stands.

There is oh! so much more. It is like a 5000 piece jig saw puzzle!

More-3 Bronze Elephants, stone spheres, 28″ Jade stampeding horses statue, w/original box, Italian side chair, fire screen, blue & white porcelain pieces-umbrella stand, cache pot, vase, crystal lotus flowers w/original boxes, vintage bronzes–dragons, Kwan Lins, warrior on horse, lotus box, Kwan Lin & Buddha, crystal & porcelain lamps, cranberry & gilt glass tea cups w/saucers, crystal goblets, condiment sets, vases, ebony w/gilt Chinese curio cabinet vitrine, vintage oil paintings, ivory leather loveseat, bar stool, kitchen stool, throw pillows-commercial and custom silk, 3′ x 4′ Mary Coronation w/angel antique framed print, box TVs, bric-a-brac, copier, fax machine, antique French mirror armoire with tall crown relief, books–ant., vint., new.

Bronze mother & child statue, marble Napolean bust, ivory & green jade horse statue, green jade Chinese nobleman statue, Asian mud men figurines & statues, reproduction ormolu bombe’ chest 45″ x 28″, pr. black leather swivel desk chairs, foodstuffs, Chinese porcelain table fountains, faux trees-banana, 2 cherry blossom. Many hand painted dishes by James McCammon. Also, scarves, posters, vintage & retro abstracts, Nouveau women portraits, landscapes & more. Men’s vintage perfume bottles–Geoffrey Beene, Carver, Dali Lips, Dior, Romeo Gigli. mosaic glass candleholders/vases.

4 Asian embroidered antique/vintage panels two have glass, pr. Asian carved & painted cube night stands, porcelain lamps, men’s sweaters, shirts, slacks, shoes in sizes 9 1/2 & 10, several king bedding sets-comforters/pillows/shams, tall mirror stand, white antique plant stand, Italian arm chair, stone & jade lamps, pr. French side chests, 60’s hi fi, low 60’s console cabinet.

Many hundreds of bags of jewelry making pendants, enamels, beads, supplies and display cabinets. Lamp making parts & bases, Kenmore white & matching washer & gas dryer-good to very good, plastic & metal shelving, James McCammon’s art board & paintbrushes & paints, mitre saws and mat cutters, extension cords, painting lights, flat & rolled prints, iron display grates, ladders, baker’s rack, matching vintage terra cotta Mexican pots & hose pot, patio umbrella, pr, green bistro chairs (the table is hanging in there), patio side table, hand tools…..etc. etc. etc.

Because of the volume, painting & vintage prints pricing will be greatly reduced.




Studio City Estate 2013

June 16, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

Friday June 21st   9:00 to 4:00
Saturday June 22nd   9:00 to 4:00
Monday June 24th   10:00 to 4:00
Tuesday June 25th  10:00 to 4:00

Wednesday, June 26, 9:00 to 2:00

Studio City 91604

North of the L.A. River & Ventura Blvd. South of the 101 Freeway

Off Tujunga Avenue & Dilling St.

There is a bridge over the River on Tujunga Avenue.

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Pictures will be posted later this week.

We are excited following through with this lovely home on two acres in Studio City. We are looking forward to presenting you beautiful things in this estate set amongst trees. From the pale blue/green & red wicker on the veranda, Victorian and designer clothes, and the rest of the antiques in the home, you will enjoy looking at what we have already seen. This talented family knows what to collect to embellish their home, as they are amazing collectors!

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There are French & English & other style furnishings, rugs (floral needlepoint, large striped green & white cotton, Chinese sculptured wool, tribal, Dhurrie, rag, & hooked), many Staffordshire dog figurines from England that are old and new, more Transferware plates from the 19th century than we have ever seen, old scale model chunky ship models in wood, framed exhibition Hermes scarf ‘Gastronomique’, paintings & prints, majolica, antique and new dog prints of King Charles Spaniels, other porcelain dog figurines of all decades, English royalty collection- books and souvenirs, mirrors, WWI & WWII soldier oil paintings, John Wayne purchased crib for granddaughter w/papers, textiles & tapestries, silver plate, antique chandeliers, bric-a-brac-old and new.

Men’s clothes- slacks, shirts, many aloha shirts, shoes, jackets in size L. Women’s designer clothes-Gucci, Chanel, and others newer  & vintage in size M. Really good jewelry- costume and real. Victorian and retro children’s clothes, Barbie Doll carry cases-1958 and newer

Kitchen, large Williams-Sonoma pot rack, figural salt & pepper sets, quilts, an extra long sturdy school table w/ 12 stools that attach to the bottom of the table, crafts, bookshelves, some movie collectibles, Snow White & the Six Dwarf garden set of fiqural statues from 1930s-40’s (missing one and as is), doll houses, some toys and figural toy chests, books, potted plants and so much more.  Maybe more later……..if we have time.

Here is more!!!

Bali and Balinese-decorative cabinet, xylophone, pr. W.G. Hofkar women prints-1940’s, shell boxes, bamboo waterfall poles, mats, & scroll box, gilt & wood mirrors, 4 Tiffany & Co. Dog Hunting series 1992 plates, India rajah shell & silver embellished turban, shell Battersea & trinket boxes, metal gilt shelf & mirror ensemble, wicker in foam green, turquoise, & red, dozens of cotton quilts & girl’s jacket, Chinese figural lamp, & 2 wrought iron double beds.

The Dwarf that is missing is Doc in the Seven Dwarfs set for the garden. The jewelry is gold, silver & costume and really great pieces.

Shabby chic cabinet, botanical & bird prints, American flags, figurine dog, bird, and other statues, copper, embellished & decorative throw pillows, antique bamboo desk, tole trays,  mahogany dresser, lamps & a pr. of decorative wall sconces with Italian blown glass (purchased for $2000, now reduced), boxes, French arm chairs, gilt wall decors & candle sconce, shabby chic foam green arm chair, pr. English side chairs & flip top table, antique crystal chandelier & wall sconce, framed antique Chinese brocade, pr. Windsor chairs.

Zebra print chaise, side and coffee tables, library steps, Tony Duquette antique key rack & brass shell box from Christie’s, old desk slots top, brown & white chinoiserie chair & ottoman, Capo di Monte lamps, needlepoint pillows & fronts- all old, Chinese lacquer nesting tables, pr. Art Director David Stumpkt oil paintings from the 20’s or 30’s with subject statue Kwan Yin, rooster lamp, trays, 24” ant. Swedish coffee tin, framed prints, 1798 wedding home chest, faience & vintage Mexican pottery, china sets, 6 Lalique tumblers, linens, glassware, crystal, and MORE MORE MORE.

Anaheim Hills Estate

May 11, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

Friday May 17th          8:30am to 5:00pm

Saturday May 18th   8:30am to 5:00pm

Anaheim Hills 92807

(Nohl Ranch Road – South of 91 Freeway & Imperial Hwy.)

We are traveling out of our local area and we are going to Orange County. For those of you willing to make the trip you will find it worthwhile. This 2800 sq. ft. home is filled with wonderful smalls, china, dishes, oil paintings, rugs, decorative accessories, furnishings and a lot of books. The owners have histories in the Air Force and Hughes Aircraft Co.

It is in a fine neighborhood and is a house for entertaining and exploration. There are hundreds and hundreds of books which topics include: Aviation, Math & Slide Rule Use, Zoology, Natural History, Fishing, Archaeology, Guns, Movie Making, Bibles, Geographical, Travel, Music, Composers, Art & Paintings, Western, Reference , Botanical, History, Political, Atlases, Geology & Minerals, Jewelry, Dictionaries, Birds, Gardens, California, Anthropology, Golf, Cookbooks, Navigation, Aviation, English Countryside, Novels, Coffee Table Books, 8 Volumes Will Durant History 1954, Encyclopedia Britannica Set 1966, and more. Also, some fine book end sets.

Furniture includes a tall 6’ carved ornate wood display cabinet with bevel glass, a round Middle East brass tray coffee table on wrought iron base, 3-Section 6’ tall dark wood bookcases, misc. side tables & side chairs, Thomasville dining table & 6 chairs, Ethan Allen multi-glass bowed panes china cabinet, Hickory Furniture– king size headboard & mattress set, bedding, bed bench, pr. bombe’ night chests, long dresser & mirror. Pr. six-sided cabinets, queen wood headboard & queen mattress set, bedding, 1930’s/40’s round mahogany leather inset coffee table w/drawers & splayed legs, misc. tall & short bookshelves, vintage round drop leap colonial style table & 4 Windsor chairs, 5 drawer lap top shelf wood executive desk & other desks, wood cabinets-old & new, 1950’s/60’s modern olive green swivel desk chair & others, old console TV used as buffet cabinet, 7’ rolled arm damask sofa in ivory, 8’ Tuxedo sofa, old painted  brown chest, buffet, pr. 60’s/70’s arm chairs, demi-lune hall console, ornate gilt mirror, pr. 36” lighted marble turned stands, antique shoe stool chair, light blue wing chair, Hepplewhite secretary bookcase desk, mahogany stand, Baker Co. corner table, pr. small beige club chairs, mahogany Queen Anne drop leaf side table & oval coffee table, White sewing machine in cabinet, pr. reclining wing chairs in darker blue, Lamps—shiny brass standing, powder coat silver table, 2 pr. antique brass table, ceramic, folding work table, desk, crystal & pressed glass, tall modern 60’s amethyst modern glass, European floral glass, antique tall bronze & oil wick lamp and others.
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Porcelains, silver plate, ceramics, crystals, wood, marble, glass and metal are there. There is much silver plate serving pieces and a 5 pc. coffee & tea service, trays, bowls, candleholders, pitcher, candy dishes, etc. Crystal goblets, vases, ring stand, decanters, candle holders, biscuit jars, bowls, vases & more. Approximately  115 pcs.  Minton  “Spring Valley” floral place settings & serving dishes, 6 pcs. Aynsley “Cottage Garden” misc. pcs. , Russian tea set in blue & white w/gold trim, vintage Japanese tea set, many different cup & saucer sets, other china sets, tea pot collection, glassware, 50’s/60’s decorated tumblers, & vintage punch bowl and cups.

Art includes multiple medias of watercolors, oil paintings, Japanese block prints, antique etchings, new  & vintage lithographs. A list of the rest of the art will come mid-week in the coming week.  For example,  pr. of Balinese etchings nude numbered & signed by W.G. Hofkar, Yodel Haufbrauer by Kouinnsky, western oil paintings, seascapes by Blanch, R. Honkell seascape, DV Huhoy mountains & lake, vintage European oils and more.

Decorative accessories are many and fill this lovely home. White porcelain bamboo umbrella stand, Imari pieces,  Lladro clock, Kuan Yin figurines, 3 Royal Doulton Toby jugs, throw pillows, cache pots-Portmieron, Italy & Portugal, pr. antique wood busts, perfume bottles & dresser tray, ethnic items– carvings, statues, swords, misc. pieces. Antique wood chocolate molds, blue & white porcelains, 18’ carved marble boy w/backpack statue, cranberry glass, hand painted porcelain plates & pieces, 30” brass candlesticks, large elephants statue, Japanese porcelains & cloisonné jars, Beleek tea set & snack sets (green labels), Lalique pieces,  reclining Roman woman statue on base, etc.

Rugs—One Persian rug “Tree of Life” 4’x6’, wool Chinese rugs-6’x9’ dark green floral, 4’x6’ foam green floral, 9’red rug runner floral, 4’x6’ light blues birds rug, 6’x9’ mauve floral.

Household and garage things:  Kitchen—utensils, mixing bowls, Pyrex, cookware in enamel  & aluminum, cookbooks, Kitchen Aid mixer, glasses, Bissell vacuum, towels & table linens, box TV & stand, file cabinets in wood & metal, men’s & women’s hats, HP printer, Dell computer, monitor, keyboard and mouse, men’s clothes—M  16-32/33 shirts, 10 ½ M shoe, white dinner jacket, sport coats, jackets, dress shirts, room fans, golf club sets by Cougar Golf and Wilson, luggage, hand power tools, some tools & hardware, auto,, typing tables, baskets, Maytag washer & gas dryer, old redwood patio table, tall wood folding ladder & aluminum extension ladder, garden  tools, chemicals, cleansers, old tool cabinets, tool boxes, plants & tree, and so much more!

Toluca Lake 2013

April 13, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

Friday April 19th     9:00 to 4:00

Saturday April 20th     9:00 to 4:00

Sunday April 21st     11:00 to 5:00

Monday April 22nd     10:00 to 4:00

Tuesday April 23rd     10:00 to 4:00

Toluca Lake  91602

Get off the 101/134 Ventura Freeway,

Turn north 2 blocks to Kling Street,

Turn right one block to Ledge,

To those of you who have attended our sales for the last sixteen years, we have a really fabulous home for you, and for those of you who have joined us within those years. This sale is one of our top five for antique smalls, decorative accessories and just a wonderful life-long collection. This household represents a family who started with nothing, and through hard work and perseverance accumulated and collected what they desired. The legacy still lives on and the American Dream is manifested here. The opportunity to succeed and the freedom to accomplish it are represented here.

The furniture, paintings, bronzes, antiques, jewelry, art and Depression glass, porcelains, Asian and American pieces fill this home. Here is a partial list: 1920’s Medieval style hall table w/mosaic top & a wine cabinet, marble clocks & accessories, enamel & brass umbrella stand, 1930’s Art Deco front door chimes, chandeliers—crystal, mission, brass, 19th C — gesso mirror, roll top American desk, Art Nouveau carved wood side table w/water lilies motif, watercolors, gilt cast iron side table, porcelain & bronze & brass figurines—statues, bowls, cache pots, lamps–Tiffany style, Art Deco woman, large driftwood, pair of 14”griffins, blue & white porcelain, 3 California tile top tables, area rugs—20’s Chinese style & vintage Persian, lawyer’s bookcase & several other display cabinets, Richmond & Green of Glasgow ¾  height upright piano w/built-in candleholders, mirrors, books and magazines—large coffee table editions, Judaica, antique & reference books, history, Israel, catalogs, fashion, art, travel, novels etc.

Smalls include antique cut to clear ruby glass, art glass. Asian items—antique & vintage scrolls, enamel vases, soapstone & jade carved figurines, ginger jars, mud men & porcelain figurines, boxes, stone flowers, grapes & candleholders, antique Japanese prints, Chinese needlework, reverse painted Japanese portraits, koi fish carved round coffee table, small side tables, antique cinnabar ginger jar, Geisha robes, standing table screens, embellished bar cabinet, amber jade mud & porcelain figurines, carved stand, snuff bottles, export china, plate & statue stands, framed fan, Samurai doll, vase, artwork. Pre-Columbian artifacts, rocks from ancient cities in small boxes, paperweights, Toby jugs, decorative plates & pitchers & vases, Staffordshire dog pairs, lace lady figurines, vanity items, old toiletries, fans, silver plate & some sterling, American brilliant & other crystal pieces, -Victorian porcelains, perfume bottles, 1930’s/40’s flatware in box & unused, steins & tankards, stemware, vintage bar accessories, dresser mirrors, picture frames, antique doll wardrobe & dressers, dozens of porcelain plates on the walls, punch bowl, antique glass & Depression glass of all types, jewelry—estate, real, costume and so much more!!!

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Art Collection and Artists In This Home

–Baum, E.N. Preston, Shatobir, Japanese Block Prints, Matador Lithos, H.S. Saltzman, H.H. Flynn, Al Wettlet, Judith Dragonette, –Ettheridge, Fields, Paul Gregg, Edward Biberender, Romeo Monte, Elissa Dorfman, John Kelly, Vernon Liftwick, Belvia, Berry Douglass, –Robert Quett, H. McCaig, and other illegible signees.

Just added–Dame Judith Anderson-Macbeth Costume Original Sketch. She stared with Sir Laurence Olivier in London in 1937 and in 1941-42 with Orson Wells in New York

Other items include coffee tables, ormolu stand, 1920’s desk & chair, 1910’s velvet & carved wood red velvet sofa, throw pillows, candelabra, antique fireplace accessories, wall and mantle clocks, antique side tables & cabinets, matching — antique chifferobe/closet, headboard, dresser/chest, pr. side tables, valet, antique ormolu headboard, wood armchairs, bar stools, antique French commode with marble top, ottoman, executive desk, old knee hole student desk, office shelves and file cabinets, pair ladder-back chairs, 1960’s curtains, linens, sheets, towels, doilies, fabrics, old, blankets, linen calendars, dictionary stand, women’s vintage and retro clothes, shoes, turn o’ century oak china cabinet w/glass curios on each side, Verlys glass vase, copper cookware, kitchen, Kenmore side by side refrigerator, potted plants, patio items.

So much more in the garage! I will list it later. PLEASE NOTE! There is so much in this house that there is plenty for everyone. We are extending this sale to 4 ½ days and will make it longer if we have to. We will notify you of the extension of days if we decide to.

Please remember that we cannot quote prices over the phone or internet. Pricing happens Thursday night (late).

Encino Estate 2013

March 31, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

Friday April 5th 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Saturday April 6th 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Sunday April 7th 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Monday April 8th 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Harclare Lane, Encino CA  91436

A lovely Encino hillside home nestled in a wooded setting is where you will find our next sale. It is decorated with antiques, vintage and contemporary furnishings, art, patio, jewelry and decorative accessories. It is another one that you will want to see. There, you will find what you are looking for and what you are not looking for. In yet another treasure hunt, goodies abound and you will be glad that you came by.

Here are the pictures…

Furnishings include an as new cherry wood butterfly leave dining table and 6 chairs, foam green hide-a-bed sofa, 6’ Charles Pollack reproduction round, distressed Jacobean plank pedestal table & lazy susan w/8 Louis XIII ladder back chairs turned legs & ‘x’ stretchers, dark burgundy leather sofa, designer wrought iron leaf chandelier,  Italian birds eye walnut reproduction secretary bookcase, oak & iron coffee & side table, pr. Asian glass lamps, ornate mirrors, hall wall console, painted antique Chinese credenza, mahogany plant stand, pr. mahogany Asian side tables, 4 section oak bookcase unit, wing back chair, 2 tan club chairs & ottoman, 2 white slip cover club chairs, 3’x 6’ glass top table w/iron base, large Howard Miller grandfather clock, elegant iron & wood embellished king size headboard, 4 matching medium wood bookcases, pr. crystal lamps, white bookcases, dark wood -sofa table, dresser, pr. side tables, aqua & clear glass and other lamps, antique Parisian commode from H.D. Buttercup, antique French antique apothecary etagere’ from Rosemary McCaffrey, twin/queen/king bed pillow top mattress sets, 6-shelf open gilt metal shelving, pr. bar stools, 2 white ottomans, brass & glass entry chandelier, Fr. style wall shelf rack in green lattice w/two drawers, 2 – Dan Marty Italian blown glass & metal wall sconces, shabby chic-pr. side tables, kitchen cabinet, footlocker, dresser, pr. light contemporary side tables & 50’s cream curved  sofa, side tables, antique wicker standing lamp, pine side table, 2 high end leather desk chairs, Louis Vuitton Luggage, 6 wood/upholstered game table chairs,  garage, upright freezer, metal lockers and more.

Patio items include Brown & Jordan green patio furniture-6’ round table & 6 chairs, 2 chaises, 2 chairs w/ottomans, green umbrella, stand, & side table. 6’ Italian terra cotta rectangular table w/fruit border motif & 9 iron chairs, goose neck umbrella, wood glider, pr. wood side tables & a pr. wood arm chairs. Plants, metal Japanese lanterns, accessories, garden tools, vintage children’s swing set, baker’s rack, BBQ, side cart for BBQ, pots, bench.

Decorative accessories – copper kitchen pieces, crystal decanters, cordials, Bohemian goblets, glass, silver plate serving pieces, 2 sets silver plate flatware, Mason “Denmark” dishes, kitchen items, 2 sets of dishes by Rosenthal & Minton, faux fruit in baskets, figural vegetable vases, 30” brushed chrome pitcher, fireplace tool sets, 9’x 12’ sculptured handmade teal green Chinese rug and machine made 5’x 7’burgundy and tan rug, 3 Egyptian papyrus paintings, Judaica and other books.

Art is an important part to this estate and sale. Outstanding framed landscape oil paintings by Evelyn, Mary D. Coleman, Blitzstein and Kaz Walker. There are many framed lithos, signed and numbered and include an oversize Tarkey  litho, Bob Click mid–century lithos framed & unframed, Doug Webb, Golkar, Kathy Donahey and more. Watercolors include j. Lunge’, antique 1886 Whittlesey, and an antique painting of the Nile by Goddard. The African art is primitive and there are Native American Indian pieces.

Men’s Designer Clothes  L-XL Ermenegildo Zegna
Ties Baney’s
Polo Style Shirts Pink
Long Sleeve Dress Ralph Lauren Polo
Short Sleeve Casual Gianni Versace
Sweat Shirts Hugo Boss
Hoodies Hilfiger
Casual Jackets Jara Man
Soccer Shirts Claude Montana
Fleece & Velvet Jackets – Casual Dolce & Gabbana
Tee Shirts Giasone Andrew Fezza
Sport Coats Gieves & Hawkes
Long Sleeve Golf Shirts Saville Row
Marlon Brando Leather Cycle Jacket John Cooper
Leather & Suede Coats Brooks Brothers
Flannel Shirts Yng Loro Piano
Aloha Shirts Canali
Shorts  34-36 Missoni
Cashmere Sweaters Sean John
Dress Socks English
Pocket Scarves Laundry
Knit Sweaters Zazara
Cotton Sweaters Bernini
2 Piece Suits Sam’s Taylor
Gianni Versace Wood Overcoat J.K.
Slacks 36/32 Saks 5th Avenue

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Westwood Estate

November 5, 2012 by · Leave a Comment 

252 Tavistock Avenue, Los Angeles, 90049

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Friday November 9th  from 9:00 to 5:00

Saturday November 10th from 9:00 to 5:00

Sunday November 11th from 1:00 to 6:00

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Rather than trying to trek you out to Westlake, we have brought Westlake to you. Exquisite and lovely possessions from a family that were going to sell all of it at a garage sale! With gracious permission from Westwood, we embellish their already classy household to bring you even more of a treasure house!

Highlighting this home is a oversize Baker 6’ china cabinet and a Baker 40”x87”curio cabinet, 7’white sofa, plaid loveseat,5’-6’gingham & floral sofa & club chair, beige & cream stripe loveseat, white painted 3-tier curio cabinet, handcrafted cabinet w/curio display unit, modern leather lounge chair w/ottoman, pr. charcoal club chairs, 8’x10’leopard center pattern/bordered in flowers rug & runner under a Fr. Traditional black resin topped dining table, buffet and 6 chairs.

Also, wall shelves, mirrors, black & cream area rug, Asian desk & chair, lamps–tole, porcelain, ceramic, brass, wood, painted metal, many framed pictures & posters—Japanese, Hopper, 50’s-60’s art, framed tools & coins, mid-century, prints, oil, lithos, watercolors, etc., wall shelves & cabinets, coffee tables—white painted 4’sq. wood, 2 round oak coffee tables, cookbooks & other books, decorative accessories, mirrors, side chairs & many side table sets & singles(one Lucite), hall tables, 4 & 6 panels screens, dressers, pine armoire, queen mattress set w/wood headboard, king mattress 2 post headboard w/2 twin mattress sets & bedding, other wool area rugs, footstools, bistro table & 3 chairs, kitchen & dishes, pewter pieces, boxes, throw pillows, decorative accessories, ‘1000 Year Old Chinese egg’ pot, barware, crystal glasses, much fine M to L size men’s clothes suits & shoes, Middle East trunk & brass pcs., many vintage linens & bath items, china & porcelain antique figurines, U.S. Revolutionary War figural soldier decanters, silver plate, silver & amber & costume jewelry and fun smalls, ornate brass fireplace tools/andirons, LPs, computer desk, wood file cabinet, computer & speakers, printer, patio table w/6 chairs, potted plants, a wonderful tool shop for you guys with lots of power tools & hand tools, washer & dyer, & more!

 The flatscreen TV and butcher block table in kitchen are NOT for sale!


Mid-Wilshire/Los Angeles Estate

October 22, 2012 by · Leave a Comment 

318 N. Detroit St. Los Angeles 90036

Thursday October 25th from 8AM to 4PM

Friday, October 26th from 8AM to 4PM — We will probably stay late each day.

For all of you that have been waiting for this sale, it will happen this Thursday and Friday October 25th and 26th from 8AM to 4PM plus. I would like to say out front that this is an unusual sale….unlike what we usually do. There will be some tables set out in the backyard and we might do some box lots to move things along. Except for the paintings, this sale is not the highest end, or the cleanest, but filled with things collected over 60 years. The dining set is a very nice 1940’s J.R. Van Sciver mahogany ensemble.

There are some nice rugs and lots of fun vintage linens, ephemera (maps, violin history, L.A. Philharmonic brochures, cooking pamphlets, tickets & Hollywood Bowl parking passes, old greeting cards from the 40’s, postcards, travel brochures-U.S. & Europe, photos, etc.), books, kitchen, bric-a-brac and jewelry. The whole house is vintage, with some antiques and mostly 40s!

The household was one filled with accomplished and famous violinists. First, Olga Mitana Balogh, wife and mother, who was in the L.A. Philharmonic for two to three decades along with her brother, Julian. They played with Stokowski, Eugene Ormandy, Alfred Wallenstein, Zubin Mehta, and so many other conductors. She taught violin to youth, and was in the Ted Bacon Golden Strings in the 1930s. Her son, Endre Balogh, a very accomplished well-travel violinist, began doing concerts at 4 years of age and has enthralled hundreds of thousands of concert goers for over 50 years. He is still playing occasional concerts and is also an amazing photographer. The household was headed up and led by husband and father, Ferenc Balogh, who was a chemist and on Philharmonic committees for years. He is still living and is in his 99th year. Mrs. Balogh passed away some 20 years ago before the earthquake in 1994.
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The household is in need of repair and paint and will get it as soon as we finish our part. There are things here for flea market/swap meet fans and lots of it…soaps, violin parts & cases, matchboxes, silver plate, crystal, china, glassware, figurines, magic tricks, stamps, tools-antique and vintage, Hungarian and English books, piano bench and claw & glass ball stool, curtains, old pattern sheets, colorful towels, many perfume bottles, vanity items & shelves, travel dolls, copper rubbings, two tier turquoise & chrome kitchen cart, violin & piano sheet music, 2 hi fi’s, old luggage, art in folios, prints, stationery & notes, file cabinets, typewriters, side chairs, reel-to-reel tape player & reels–used and unused, transistor radios, Super 8 movie camera and more!

There is always something for everyone at our sales. THERE ARE NO VIOLINS OR CELLOS. There is also a 40’s/50’s Gaffers & Sattler’s gas double oven stove– (no windows in doors), lift up shelf, clock, salt & pepper shakers built in above by the clock, lots of chrome trim, 4 burners, left oven door needs a new hinge or lever to keep it open.

The paintings are of great taste and are by artists from California, Massachusetts, Japan and elsewhere. Some names are Dana Bartlett, Cyril Ralph Baker, Berry Smith, Raiko Kanazava, Ray Raymond, Raoul Dufy and Marein. They are removed each night for security.

The furniture is a lot of it—a set of vintage Chinese carved chairs, sofa (need cushions) and a stunning coffee table, two 40’s twin wood beds, side tables, dressers, desks, coffee tables, a corner table with two twin bed sofa set, 40’s sofas, 2 matching tall boy dressers, lamps and club chairs, supple green leather chair, 1950’s 9 drawer dresser with curtained cabinet (Mint condition), antique picture frames, formica & chrome breakfast room table w/2 backed benches, mahogany foyer or corner round table w/leather insert, 2 secretary/bookcases in mahogany, bent wood chair, 3 old tall violin stands, LP record cabinets, many 78 rpm classical record sets in original binder (no 40’s pop music), some faux flower and plants, 50’s plastic figural toys, and more.

Postcards will not be sent out, but emails will. I hope we see you. If you need more parking, try Formosa, one block to the west or toward where the sun sets or north on Oakwood. The sale is one block west of La Brea Avenue and Beverly.

Purse check in for security. Open boxes are okay! Parking is for ‘2 hours’ in this neighborhood, so be aware of that. You do not need a permit for that amount of time. There are some parking meters too; close to Beverly on Detroit, and some on La Brea.

Valley Glen Estate

August 30, 2012 by · Leave a Comment 

Friday September 7  9am-4pm

Saturday 8 9am-4pm

Sunday September 9 1-5pm

Monday September 10 10am-4pm

Valley Glen, 91401

Between Coldwater Canyon & Woodman Ave.

North of 101 Freeway and Burbank Blvd.


Exchange a refundable $5 bill or your driver’s license for a Parking Permit on Monday. Be Aware there is a parking permit needed to park at the sale on Monday ONLY. There are plenty of spaces. They give tickets, please use a permit. Our guys will make the exchange on the from the side walk and give you info on where to park. Be alert to traffic.

There is free parking across the street, and at meters at the college, and farther down the street.


This sale is worth it. See you there!



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This lovely home is a household filled with goodies that are antique, vintage and contemporary. It has a lived in, cozy feeling. The former occupants are world travelers and are very involved in service to people and Los Angeles. Their home reflects their giving hearts and a back yard that is very peaceful.

In the back yard is a one of a kind, 1992, illusional abstract 6 ft maguette by Jeffrey Laudenslager or Laugenslager. The furnishings include a Kohler & Campbell spinet piano & bench, tuxedo & camel back sofas, side tables, lamps, bookshelves, sets of wing chairs w/ottomans, throw pillows, rugs-machine & handmade, coat & cane racks, faux flower arrangements, bric-a-brac, 50” Sony HDTV w/stand & box TVs, players, some books, plant stands, jewelry—silver, turquoise, coral, enamel, lapis, Murano, beads. Raoul Dufy litho “Ascot”, as well as Tarkay lithographs, pool table in oak w/slate blue felt, rack, & 3 cues.

Add to that a bear collection that rivals any to be seen—posters, figurines, signs, lithos, hangings, phone, toys, bronzes, door stops, statues, Christmas, kitchen, plates, tees & more. Antiques include 71 pcs. amber cut-to-clear crystal dishes set, pr. 1880’s husband & wife oil portraits, china, mirror, & more to be unwrapped.

Bath accessories, vanity stool, Aynsley, Capo di Monte, geodes & agates, 24” cloisonné Japanese woman statue, file cabinets, TV tray set, towels, sheets, blankets, table linens & mats, 2 cat climbers, coffee tables, native American Indian items, 30” x 36” beaded parrots wall hanging, paintings, vint. goodies.

Geisha robe & wall hanging, men’s clothes L-XL & shoes 13D, women’s clothes sz 10-14 & med., shoes 9 ½, 2 oak headboard units queen & king w/new mattresses, long oak dresser w/tri-fold mirror, 6’ smoke blue sofa containing 2 recliners, embroidery items, perfume bottles & tray, 4 pc. maple bdrm. suite w/ two dressers.

Kitchen—dishes sets, canister set,  sm. appliances, 2009 Frigidaire Classic double door 26 cu. ft. stainless & black, older ivory Kenmore washer, newer Whirlpool dryer, 36” 70’s table with 2-18” leaves & 4 chairs, barrel chair, silver plate tea service & other accessories, boxes, decanters, luggage, GE single wide fridge upper freezer, folding tables & chairs, chaises, tarps, exercycle, Nordic trak, camping, iron table & 4 chairs, hammock, gas BBQ, 4 lg. planters, above ground spa by Hot Springs Portable Spas (6’x5’, 3 stations, steps, drink tray, cover). Also tiles, garden bric-a-brac, patio tables and much more!

Here is some more information.  Many collector plates in boxes, McCoy and other similar vintage pottery, the bear collection includes black bear, grizzly, polar and panda bears, Asian stone floral arrangements,  antique Irish open cabinet, 20’s-30’s white painted kitchen cabinet w/lead & glass windows, San Blas Island embroideries, outdoor bear fountain, antique French garden pot rack, 19th C. 12″ x 12″ bamboo 4 tier butler, black metal coffee table w/glass top, stained glass window hangings, pewter Dragon smalls collection, Walt Disney Global stamp collection from years of collecting, antique dual rope bed (needs rope) $75 must sell, Egyptian souvenirs – sarcophagus, embroidery, plaque, brass Arabic platter, Middle Eastern trunk, 50’s watercolor, umbrella stands, coat racks, old coal bucket, fireplace tools- 4 pcs. & 6 pcs.,  pr. 1940 block prints-mountain and snow scenes, Empire style chair, pedestals and plant stands, coffee makers, pr. pine bar stools, melamine and stoneware dishes sets, punch bowl & cups, pr. Roman emperor portraits, men’s bike, wicker coffee table, antique/vintage Martin birds house on table 3′ x 2′ x 4 1/2′ tall, tall cat house, park benches, 2 other patio table sets, wood glider rocker & ottoman, iron plant stands, plants & pots, colored handle flatware, pictures, posters, lithos, lamps. That is it for now….come on by!

Studio City 2012

August 12, 2012 by · Leave a Comment 

Sale Dates and Times:
8/17/2012 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (Friday)
8/18/2012 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (Saturday)
8/19/2012 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM (Sunday)
8/20/2012 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM (Monday)

We have a shuttle set up for those who need help up and down the driveway!

xxxxx Laurelcrest Drive, Studio City 91604  

Parking is difficult. Please do not block driveways.

From 101 Freeway turn South to Ventura Blvd. Turn Left on Ventura Blvd to Carpenter Ave. Turn right onto Carpenter Ave. Take the 2nd left onto Sunshine Terrace. Turn right onto Laurelwood Dr. Turn left onto Laurelcrest Dr.

View Larger Map

This is a fabulous 1961, contemporary, cliff hanging home with lots of period furnishings & art. It is filled with Danish Modern, Oceana (New Guinea), Asian & Middle Eastern items. From World travelers and residents of some of these countries, you will find a wonderful collection of treasures.

The 1950’s/60’s Danish Modern—2 of each: Drexel Profile dressers, side tables, chests-on-chests, dual headboard. Other Danish pieces include Heritage buffet, side flip top cart, 5’ dining table w/6 chairs & 2-18” leaves,  cylinder table & teak floor lamps, 2 pc. cabinet w/shelves, 2 pc. drop front desk surrounded by drawers & shelves, serving trays w/glass dishes. More-iron bar stool, 3 lite pole floor to ceiling pole lamp, 2 valet jacket stands, a real Eames chair & ottoman, arm chairs w/leather seats, 2 wing chairs in leather & 2 upholstered, 32” sq. side table, modern club chair, lg. oval mag rack, chrome & glass coffee & side table.

Many New Guinea carved & painted masks, statues & bark plaques (they were there in WWII in the Army & visited later). Antiques & ‘style’ sofa, dining table & 6 chairs, 2 large framed French posters—75”x50” Mistinguett by Olav Losriques ‘Woman’ & Henri Le Monnier 1931 drink ad, Art Nouveau stained glass, 19th C. very ornate gilt gesso mirror, Mary Cassatt 1894 photogravure, 6 drawer pine dresser, king head/footboard & mattresses. 50’s & earlier Middle Eastern—4’x 2’x2 ½’ greatly embellished hand hammered & beaded overlay wood trunk, lg. brass tray, tea set, bowls, pitchers, linens, & prayer rug. Asian—Thomasville dresser, 2 Japanese cabinets & 4 panel screens & Japan fabric  red chair, 4 nesting tables, trays, vases, figurines, wall curio w/glass & lots of smalls.

Much fine porcelain bric-a-brac, ceramics, smalls & decorative items. Men’s clothes L,XL,XXL. Size 10M shoes. 42/30 slacks. Kitchen, Christmas, plants, books. Rugs—large sheepskin, Egypt Tut collection, tribal, cotton rag. Many fine mid-century 50’s & 60’s art paintings, etchings, posters—Chagall, Frew, Pitseolak, McDermott. This art list will come out next week. There are no pre-sales! Something for everybody here.

Art Work in this sale:

‘Summer Wanderers Watch Woman Scraping Hide’ by Pitseolak Ashoona (1904-1983) Signed & Numbered 32/50 (Inuit)1961 24″ x 18″

‘Family of Nine’ Ceramic Wall Plaque by Hal Fromhold 1967 18″ x 15″ (Figurines) 23″ x 17 1/2″ (Wood Plaque)

‘Hunting Caribou When I Was Young’ by Holman 1980 21/50

‘A Wider Perspective’ David Hockney 36″ x 32″ Poster on Board 1986

‘Kemble in the Character of Hamlet’ by Sir Thomas Lawrence (1863-1930) Engraved by G. Adcock

‘Edwin Forrest as Hamlet’ by H. Ulke Act 3 Scene 1 (1821-1910) Engraved by C. Bultre 9″ x 11″

Art Deco 1931 Drink Advertisement by Henri Le Monnier (1799-1877) 45″ x 59″

“Bull Fighter Making Friends w/Bull” by John Frew (1875-1955) Watercolor 30″ x 21 1/2″

“Kates Boys” by Robert Tyler Lee 1971 Oil on Canvas 18″ x 24″

“Flowers” by Hoi 91/325 Signed Litho Embossed Butterfly Stamp 22″ x 17″

“For The Sake Of A Single Verse” by Ben Shahn (1898-1969) 373/950

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“Clown” by Georges H. Rouault (1871-1958) Woodblock from        ”              ”  ?

“Les Visages” by Georges H. Rouault Woodblock 6″ x 8″

“Mistinguett” by Daniel DeLosques (1880-1915) Impression by A Chachoin Mericourt, Paris Antique Poster 45″ x 79 1/2″

‘Night Approaching #2″ by Howard Bradford Original Sergraph Lane Galleries Westwood, California 34 1/2″ x 18″

“L’Enfant’ by Andre Derain (1890-1954) Etching 13″ x 10 1/2” Stamp Signed

“Nu De Dos” 1956 by Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Original Etching 12″ x 16″

“Salzburg Rooftops” ? by Herbert Breiter (1927-  ) Stone Lithograph 17 1/4″ x 17 1/4″ 141/275

“Nu Drape” by Manuel Ruiz-Pipo (1929-  ) Litho 27″ x 20 1/2″

“Cervantes” by Salvador Dali (1904-1989) Original Etching Signed 8″ x 6″

“Flowers” Abstract by Bennett 30/200 Litho 23″ x 18″

Reid Miles Photographer “Fruits” 25 1/2″ x 35 1/2″

“7 Shadow Men” ? by Ben Shahn (1898-1969)

“Nude Woman Sitting” by Cheryl 1986 (Faded) 12″ x 16″

“Dark Grouping of People” 1965 Imp. by Diane McDermott Ed. of 20

“Americke Divaldo” Dneska Poster

“Nestor’s Tales of the Trojan War” by Pablo Picass0 Originally Published by A.Skira 1931

“Chelsea Girl” by Mary Cassatt 1894 Photogravure

‘”Modern Checkerboard” Small Framed Print by Paul Klee

“Bird in Circle” by Emila Yardiz 12/100

“Bottles” by Emila Yardiz 41/50

And More………..

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